Kentucky Childhood Cancer Awareness License Plate


The Curing Childhood Cancer license plate costs $44.00 with $10.00 of each purchase and renewal going to CURE KY Kids, Inc. $10.00 from each license plate is used to fund services that provide support to children with cancer and their families.

Kids Cancer Alliance is proud to partner with CURE KY Kids, Inc. as a beneficiary of funds to support our quality of life programs for Kentucky Childhood Cancer families.

Visit the DMV website or your County Clerk’s office to purchase yours today.

What can you do to help?

Help us make a difference in the lives of families fighting cancer


All of our programs are provided free of charge, so we rely 100% on donations from people like you! Your gift will provide smiles, laughter and hope to children with cancer.



Volunteering for Kids Cancer Alliance can be a life-changing experience. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities year round.