Family Retreat

We are thrilled to again be able to provide your family with a weekend at Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, Ohio,  April 25th-27th!

There are a few important things for you to know:
1.  KCA will cover the cost of the room,  meals, plus the the cost of the water park passes, mini golf and bowling.  Anything outside of this is your responsibility.
2. If you want to charge additional food, activities, etc. to  the room, you will need to provide a credit card when you check in to the hotel.
3.  We have limited rooms for this event so please limit your registration to immediate family members only.  We define a family as two adults and any children that live in the household.
4.  This is a private event for KCA families, non-registered guests are not allowed due to hotel safety policies.

Registration will be open from February 3-10, and a lottery will be drawn on February 10 if registration exceeds room availability. All registrants will be contacted by February 14th regarding their confirmation or status on the waitlist. It is our hope to be able to accommodate everyone who registers, by utilizing a lottery system we are able to give everyone a chance to register at a time that works for them.


Questions? Email Allison Pecore:


What can you do to help?

Help us make a difference in the lives of families fighting cancer


All of our programs are provided free of charge, so we rely 100% on donations from people like you! Your gift will provide smiles, laughter and hope to children with cancer.



Volunteering for Kids Cancer Alliance can be a life-changing experience. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities year round.